Traumatic Brain Injury - Bennett Injury Law

Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain injuries impact over two million people every year, leaving families with a costly financial burden. If the brain damage occurred due to the negligence of another person or company, a Texas traumatic brain injury lawyer can help.

Bennett Injury Law is prepared to expend every resource available to ensure that you or your loved one who has sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is compensated for all the damages you are entitled to. To speak with an experienced Texas brain injury lawyer today, call 972-972-4969.


At least 138 people die each day from traumatic brain injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Statistics show that in the United States the two most common causes of traumatic brain damage are from falls (32.5%) and traffic accidents (17.3%).

A traumatic brain injury occurs when an external force causes the brain to impact the skull, either from a sudden acceleration or deceleration or from an impact. The soft tissue of the brain typically lies suspended within the skull cavity, surrounded by the hard, bony skull, which protects the soft tissue from injury. A jolt to the head can cause the brain to impact against the hard layer of the bone.

Closed head injuries occur when the head hits an object during an accident but nothing penetrates the skull. Such a hard impact can cause the brain tissue to bruise, bleed, and swell. Open brain injuries occur when objects in the car penetrate the skull and damage the brain tissue.


The severity of a traumatic brain injury can cause a variety of symptoms that range from mild to severe and debilitating. The signs and symptoms of traumatic brain injury may vary depending on what area of the brain is injured, as well as the extent of the tissue damage.

A mild TBI means the injured person remained conscious or may have experienced a loss of consciousness for a few seconds or minutes. According to the National Institute of Health, other symptoms of mild TBI include headache, confusion, lightheadedness, dizziness, blurred vision or tired eyes, ringing in the ears, bad taste in the mouth, fatigue or lethargy, a change in sleep patterns, behavioral or mood changes, and trouble with memory, concentration, attention, or thinking.

Moderate or severe TBIs may show similar symptoms, but may also have a headache that gets worse or does not go away, repeated vomiting or nausea, convulsions or seizures, an inability to awaken from sleep, dilation of one or both pupils of the eyes, slurred speech, weakness or numbness in the extremities, loss of coordination, and increased confusion, restlessness, or agitation.

Someone who has suffered a TBI may be able to function at near-normal levels, may be unable to work or care for himself or herself, or may have some level of functionality that resides somewhere between those two points.


People that sustain traumatic brain injuries that include bleeding, open skull injuries, loss of consciousness, and comatose activities should be immediately treated by emergency rooms in hospital or urgent care centers. Doctors and neurologists use many diagnostic tools that are extremely helpful in limiting the permanency of brain injuries.

Doctors use the Glasgow coma scores to assess cognitive functioning and are an indicator of a client’s awareness and potential head injury. Cat Scans and Brain MRIs are powerful diagnostic tools to determine bleeds on the brain or other acute injuries inside the skull that may impact treatment and care following a traumatic brain injury. If bleeding does exist in the brain, early and immediate detection, allows for a surgical procedure to drain the blood and prevent further injury to the brain.

Accident victims who sustain acute and severe head injury that require hospitalization for extensive periods of time and surgery are often left with permanent conditions of confusion, disorder, memory loss, disorientation, and inability to communicate and function independently. These more severe injuries are likely permanent and often prevent victims from ever returning to work, usually require a lifetime of medical treatment and care, and result in devastating effects on families.


At Bennett Injury Law in Dallas, Texas, our traumatic brain injury attorneys have helped injury victims and their families recover financial compensation by winning successful brain injury lawsuits through verdicts and settlements.

As a part of Trial Structure, LLC, Charles Bennett has helped lawyers from around the country prepare their cases for litigation and trial.

In Texas, accident victims who have sustained traumatic brain injuries can recover for the past and future economic losses including wages, pension, health benefits, and disability benefits, including raises and inflation. Accident victims can also recover for past medical bills and a future life care plan that outlines the medical treatment and care an accident victim will require during the victim’s lifetime and the cost of all treatment and care.

Texas traumatic brain injury lawsuits can recover the following:

  • Property Damage that include loss, destruction, and damage of property
  • Medical Expenses that include hospital, ambulance, and surgical costs, physical therapy and other related expenses
  • Lost Wages for the income lost due to injury and diminished Earning Capacity due to a reduced ability to earn income
  • Pain & Suffering and Mental Anguish (for mental and physical distress)

Often, the most effective means of establishing the value of a traumatic brain injury is through a life care plan that takes into consideration the victim’s medical care and other needs now and going forward for the rest of their life.

If you have been involved in a truck or car accident as a result of another driver’s or company’s negligence and you may have extensive injuries, property damage, and emotional trauma, you may want to speak to a traumatic brain injury attorney in Texas regarding your rights and legal options. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages from work, and pain and suffering and mental anguish.

We work with physicians, neurologists, neuropsychologists, vocational experts, radiologists, biomechanical engineers, life care planners, and other professionals to help us create the most accurate assessment of your needs going forward. That assessment is then used to help us secure the medical and financial resources you will need to overcome the challenges presented by your traumatic brain injury.